So, Diletta, what is it that you actually do?

From consulting, to coaching, to contract work, I provide adaptable support as your inside outsider Design Partner. 

I’m open to engagements of all types and durations, remote and in-person, and am open to travelling internationally. Whether you're an individual, organisation, company, or agency in need of an extra hand, I’m open to discussing all the different ways we could collaborate.

  1. Holding Space

  2. Storytelling

  3. Experience Design

  4. Service & Product Design

  5. Strategic Design

  6. Design Research

Some of the things I do include:

(Note: I am based in Melbourne, Australia)

Holding space

Do you need a facilitator to create a safe, welcoming environment space for collective learning with your team or community?

  • Facilitate workshops where everyone feels valued and courageous.

  • Serve as a guest host or facilitator for events.

  • Coach people and teams to lead various types of group engagements.

  • Consulting on the application of good facilitation techniques into various collaborative work processes.

In facilitation, I draw on nearly a decade of experience guiding collective experiences experience, starting as an assistant art teacher, mentoring founders in startup accelerators, delivering dozens of workshops, teaching yoga, and just being a pal to many.

  • Facilitation, workshop design, group dynamics, stakeholder engagement, participatory design, capability building, collaborative processes, reflective practice, self-awareness, mediation, group work, conflict resolution.


Are you looking for a way to share the story of your work in an authentic, compelling, and creative way?

  • Craft narratives through report writing and presentation/keynote/pitch development.

  • Design graphics and data visualisations that help others understand.

  • Produce multimedia content like videos, podcasts, and web designs.

  • Develop and execute multi-channel campaigns.

Just taking all the good stuff from my background in communications and marketing, I bring a wealth of experience in crafting compelling and authentic narratives across various multimedia formats. I focus on respectful, accurate, and authentic representation, ensuring those whose stories are featured lead the narrative, creating a genuine connection and lasting impact.

  • Narrative design, content creation, visual storytelling, brand storytelling, communication design, information design, audience engagement, multimedia, collaborative creative process, multimedia software.

Experience design

Are you looking to develop an enjoyable and engaging learning experience or shared process journey specifically tailored to your team or community?

  • Design workshops and community engagements.

  • Create engaging conferences, courses, and learning modules.

  • Design processes for forms of collective work or effort.

  • Develop customised tools and resources to support unique learning journeys.

In creating learning experiences, I explore creating multi-modal and multi-sensory experiences that foster embodied learning and reflection that enable learners to engage in more deeply and tap into different levels of their innate intelligence.

  • User experience, service blueprint, interaction design, community engagement, learning design, experiential design, customer journey mapping, human-centred design.

Service and product design

Would you like to work together to design services and products that work and people would actually love using?

  • Co-design processes with target user groups.

  • Sketch and prototype initial concepts.

  • Insight gained from user research and testing.

  • Pilot and refine designs based on feedback.

  • Co-creation of solutions with project teams and users.

  • Co-design, stakeholders, service design, service blueprint, product design, needs assessment, prototyping, iterative testing, human-centred design, user experience, minimum viable product (MVP), qualitative research, quantitative research, experience strategy, user journeys.

Strategic design

Do you need a change in direction or is organisation starting something new, undergoing transformation, or looking to identify new pathways forward?

  • Collaborate with teams to understand present challenges and design tailored solutions.

  • Envision future possibilities together, integrating creative design methodologies.

  • Map out effective pathways toward ideal future visions through strategic and design thinking.

  • Create a safe environment and support teams as they navigate and work through change.

  • Strategic mapping, strategic goals, human-centred design solutions, systems change, co-design, insight, change leadership, transformation, collective sense-making, design thinking, change management.

Design research

Are you seeking to better understand something (a landscape, problem, or even a better question to be asking) and curious about how innovative learning methods could help provide richer insight?

  • Conduct in-depth studies and user research to uncover deep insights.

  • Facilitate deep conversations and focus groups to ensure diverse perspectives are heard and able to contribute their real experiences.

  • Blend quantitative and qualitative approaches for comprehensive data collection.

  • Use systems mapping to improve understanding of the big picture, complex interactions, gaps, and opportunities.

  • Facilitate collective sense-making processes to synthesise learnings and provide actionable insights and recommendations.

  • Documentation of research processes and report development.

  • Design research, ethnography, user research, qualitative research, quantitative research, user insights, user interviews, focus group discussions, data analysis, human-centred research, stakeholder engagement, systems mapping, innovation methods.

*There isn’t a single right way to do design. The list provided on this page is simply a guide to help show the various ways I can assist you.

If you’d like to explore how we can work together**, get in touch.

**Kindly note that I am currently only accepting collaborations by referral. More on this on my Principles page.

Photo credits:

  1. Images in gallery above are from various projects I’ve worked on over the years. I will be adding work stories to this website soon — if you’d like to receive updates on this, you can sign up here

  2. Image of me at the bottom of this page by Co-Design Pals