Small and Scale is a design company taking on small bites of the big picture to seed innovations that scale.

Kind, friendly, and culturally competent; walking alongside teams and communities in collaborative design processes that make a difference.

So more people can feel at home — through the work we share and outcomes we collectively enjoy.

I’m Diletta Legowo

Design Partner at Small and Scale

I want to help more people feel at home — in our lives, communities, and places.

It’s a tall ask of design, but a worthy North Star to chew towards, no matter how small.

Previously, I worked at The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI), collaborating with government agencies, not-for-profits, and peak bodies to address complex challenges at various scales. I’ve been a designer for over 10 years and also produced startup learning programs for early-stage founders in Victoria (at Deakin University and StartSpace, The State Library of Victoria).

I like to take design out of the brain and into the body too. Teaching weekly yoga classes in Melbourne’s inner north helps me with that. It also helps people feel at home in their bodies.

I’m originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, and being connected to the Indonesian diaspora makes me feel more at home here. I’m Creative Director and Lead Experience Designer of a festival celebrating Indonesian culture - it’s led by and made for the diaspora, creating a new space to call home, embracing our roots and unique routes here.

Why is working with me different?

Culturally competent

The challenges of our time cross cultural, sectoral, and power territories. Thanks to a lifetime of moving around the world and being thrust into foreign missions* from a young age, I bring a rare competence in embracing and navigating these dynamics.

This enables me to connect with a wider range of people across cultures, fields, and intersections, build trust and form relationships, and meaningfully engage a broader sphere of perspectives and experiences.

(*my parents were diplomats, and it’s a career that employs and deploys an entire family)

Big picture, small bites

Our natural world has already taught us that nothing exists in isolation. The problems we’re looking to solve sit in a web of interconnections across time, people, networks, and resource flows.

With a background in visual arts and international development, I bring a unique skill in mapping the big picture, making the tangle feel less tangled, and spotting the leverage points — those small bites of opportunity with the potential to make a big difference. The visual tools I create provide clarity on impactful routes forward.

The way I hold space

Holding space is something I love and am uniquely good at. As a facilitator, I’m known for creating environments where people feel safe, valued, and brave to lead, contribute, and participate. I bring a kind, disarming, and culturally sensitive approach that makes people feel welcome and heard.

Drawing on my experience as a yoga teacher, a friend, and member of communities, I bring warmth, humour, and joy to sessions that foster honest, productive, and meaningful spaces of connection — especially helpful when there is tension or tricky topics to work through.

Let’s go on a walk together

Culturally competent social innovation powered by collective intelligence

My approach to design is inspired by the natural world and the innate wisdom that people hold. I use plain-language* that people can easily understand and connect with at a deeper emotional and embodied level.

(*I recognise that verbal language, especially when using English with people from different cultures and don’t speak it as a first language, can be such a limiting blunt tool that only touches the surface of the work’s potential. I think, speak, and feel in multiple languages and am experienced in working with live multilingual and AUSLAN interpreters)

Diletta, what does this walking together involve and what are the questions might we want to ask along the way?

  • Map

    How might we better understand the landscape of people, practices, and efforts surrounding the work and our place within it?

  • Forage

    How might we respectfully and responsibly gather stories and wisdom from the collective, caring for their histories and continued thriving?

  • Weave

    How might we link together with the existing strengths and efforts of others to build on their impact, co-empower, and further progress towards desired shared outcomes?

  • Imagine

    How might we broaden the limits of our biases to imagine and test new possibilities for better future outcomes?

"The Flemington Works team engaged Diletta to work with us on a co-creation project with residents of the Flemington Housing Estate. She was extremely organised, went above and beyond to engage her connections to help inform our work.

When it came to facilitating sessions with five different language groups and interpreters, she was a star! Her considerate, culturally competent, and warm facilitation style engaged us all. We ended with a well-informed and presented report. I’d recommend engaging Diletta for similar work."

— Leanne Carlon, Backbone Lead, Flemington Works, Moonee Valley City Council

That sounds nice.

But, Diletta, what is it that you actually do?

"Our team engaged Diletta’s services as a consultant to help design our state-wide social program. Diletta helped us to achieve impressive, relevant outcomes because she understands where to direct energy for the best possible impact.

She is also enthusiastic, sensitive and sharp. I happily recommend Diletta to support your projects too."

— Lee O’Dowd Austen, Director, Regional Workforce and Inclusion, Department of Regional New South Wales

Good resources

My working principles and design practice are informed by a wide range of influences.

I would like to acknowledge and thank the colleagues, fellow practitioners, mentors, and peers who have directly or indirectly contributed to my work.

And I’m not gatekeeping because good work should be shared. I’m currently building a database of ideas, people, and organizations that inspire me. You can sign up for my waitlist to get this list straight into your inbox when it’s available. Got something I should check out and potentially feature on the list? Please get in touch.

In good company

As an independent design company of one, there are limits to what I can do. And I won’t always be the best person to lead a piece of work (eg. someone with lived experience or an immediate link to the challenge area might be better placed). I’m bringing together trusted peers, experts, and advisers to join me on this journey. More on this soon. You can stay updated by signing up here.

“We’re all just walking each other home.”

— Ram Dass